The Issue of Gun Control, Mental Illness After yet Another Tragedy…

Hello my friends! I know it has been a while (like before Christmas, I believe). Unfortunately, I have had to focus heavy effort on one of my final classes for my BSN. God help me, I cannot wait to be done. School continues for a while but as I near the end of my last 400 level class, I felt the need to voice an opinion on my supposedly non-political blog about yet another Gun Violence Tragedy.

First off, I am unequivocally PRO-gun! I like my hunting rifle and aspire to own more guns over the course of my life. I also believe in the 2nd Amendment and its original rationale. Any argument that the founding fathers did not have the foresight to see that technology would advance, especially in the field of arms and weaponry, is invalid. These guys grew up with fathers and grandfathers who related stories of the early advancements in gun technology. Don’t tell me they couldn’t foresee increased efficiency, deadliness, and rapidity. These were the smartest men alive at the time.

If we operate under the assumption that the 2nd Amendment shall not be infringed (stay with me…I am going somewhere with this), then how do we mitigate the seemingly endless gun violence that has become, dare I say it….Commonplace?

I note several aspects to this problem. Mental health care in this country is deplorable and has shifted to outpatient as a primary means of care for these disease processes that are intricate and may require inpatient resources. This needs massive overhaul and expansion. We simply cannot make it with minimal available inpatient services and MH clinics that are overwhelmed and spend only the minimal time with each patient. People need close follow up and adjustment for medications.

Never should guns be absolutely restricted-that is the essence a country that is not infringing on the 2nd Amendment rights. Here is the thing: rights come with responsibilities and the irresponsible those who have other reasons not to be a gun owner can only be sussed out through a screening process. We have to make it harder to get guns for those who shouldn’t have them. Whatever form that takes: longer waiting periods, more extensive background checks, MH evaluation before purchase–I don’t care.

The point is this: if your are mentally stable, competent, of age and not buying a gun impulsively to commit a crime or mass murder: you get to own whatever guns you wish. You can have your AR-15. You can have whatever makes you happy and safe and comfortable because it is your right guaranteed by the constitution. The problem is, your right shouldn’t infringe on the rights of others and if you cant be responsible with a right you cannot have it any longer. It is simple as that. That isn’t infringement–it is responsible lawmaking.

I know…I know…that sounds a lot like a violation of rights guaranteed by the constitution. But let’s agree on one thing: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the PROPER order of your unalienable rights. Your liberty shouldn’t infringe on someone’s life or pursuit of happiness… I am personally very FOR guns and would happily submit to any additional clearances to ensure that those who shouldn’t have a gun DON’T.

I know what the anti-gun folks will say: that isn’t enough. What does someone need an AR-15 for? Well…that really isn’t your right to say, so long as they pass the required screenings and wait for however long the law deems. I propose that the law is what is flawed. Stronger laws governing gun acquisition are what is needed. Certainly this will not stop all bad people from getting dangerous weapons. This is where the third part of my plan comes in: Armed Guards at the Schools. I know this has been a meme around the internet for a while….but it might just work.  Employ 3-4 or more veterans per school. Open it up to ex-cops. Give tax breaks and additional funding for schools that initiate this system. I would wager that there’d be a large compliment of veterans willing to participate.

Whatever way we go about this, as a nation, we need to stop with indecision and address this problem. Ultimately, the deaths of children cannot go unanswered….but altering the fundamental rights provided for in one our nation’s oldest and most sacred documents is tricky and an extremely slippery slope. I believe we are not past hope and the situation has a solution if we approach it from all angles as a nation and attempt to think and act as one. The lives of our children depend on it…

My List of the Top 100 Movies of All Time: Christmas Edition 1-10

This is a post I wanted to write for a very long time. Though I have discussed some of my favorite movies in the past, and believe me some of those discussed Will appear here, I have wanted to definitively name my favorite movies of all time. When I began to think about this I decided not to put them in any specific order. When it comes to movies, I’m very eclectic but also can be moved by the season or a specific time of the year to like a certain brand or genre. That is why I will list these in no particular order but rather make the first 10 my top 10 Christmas movies and move forward from there. I will discuss why I think they’re the best movie and what I love about them. Notably you will see some omissions from this list that are rather popular. The Godfather does not appear here, Despite its much beloved status. Awards are only a minor consideration in this list. Anyways, Here we go….

Honorable Mentions:

The Nutcracker, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas (I argue this is a Halloween movie…damnit) and Die Hard.

1.) A Christmas Story. OK so here’s the thing with A Christmas Story. This movie is the pan levels that are not obvious and apparent on first or even 10th viewing. Something that you have to remember is the setting of a Christmas story. This is depression era. People didn’t have a lot of money. Yes I see these two parents who love their children and really would do anything for them. Each parent has a moment in the movie where they’re very redeemed for whatever they lack. Ralphie’s mother for example keeps the house peaceful and mitigates The varying personalities home she has to care for,namely the grumpy old man, bratty and often difficult Randy, and Ralphie who is beginning to come of age and facing the challenges associated therein. Perhaps my absolute favorite moment cinema even is the moment when Ralph he finally gets the red Ryder BB gun that he has so longed for. See you go through the whole movie thinking the old man is aloof and not paying attention. Ralphie is even quite afraid of him. But that moment when he comes through for Ralphie…there is nothing quite like it to me. The old man was paying attention the whole time.

2.) A Muppet Christmas Carol. The Muppets pulled off an amazing telling of this 18th century story. With star power like Michael Caine as Scrooge it’s hard not to fall in love with this version. And to be to throw out what song and dance, The Muppets manage to give this heart despite their inanimate nature. It is truly heartbreaking when tiny Tim passes in Scrooge’s vision. You feel a genuine love for the ghost of Christmas present when it comes to Scrooge. You truly feel like that ghost in particular is trying to save him.

3.) A Christmas Carol starring George C Scott. OK I know I put the same movie on this list twice just with a different portrayal. The thing is I like them for different reasons and it’s my damn list so to hell with you. You don’t get much better than this Version and it is widely regarded as one of The greatest versions of this many remade movie ever. George C Scott is perfect is Scrooge a commanding curmudgeon Who goes through visible change as he observes the teachings of the spirits. This particular version shows some of what happened to Scrooge as a child and his hateful relationship with his father beginning to destroy his demeanor in his adulthood–something the Muppets do not give.

4.) National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Because of course it is on this list. This movie is both hilarious and capable of being highly relatable. It exemplifies the stress associated with the holiday season such as gathering with family, unexpected visits, even financial woes. You see Clarks good intentions for his family and his willingness to go very far to give them a merry Christmas and to even step up for Eddie and his family, Whom he is not fond of. Can’t say enough about this movie and where I ranking these in order of favorites, I suspect this would be my absolute.

5.) Christmas with the Kranks. OK I know what you’re thinking. This movie is like youth in revolt for Christmas movies. There are so many better movies right? Well look closely at this movie. Parents experience a genuine heart break when their child leaves the nest and is not going to be home for that holiday season. That is difficult to mitigate especially when you spent the prior 20+ years bringing a joyful holiday season for that child of yours. The child is at the center of the holiday season and without their presence, you could see how extreme choices could be made. Why go through the stress at all? There’s a lesson in this though, And that’s why I touch base with Luther Krank every year.

6.) White Christmas. This movie is an absolute favorite of mine. Comes with such a nostalgia for a golden age of cinema. The opening credits with the actual Holly against the back drops of the cards. That and how can you even not feel your heart wanting to scream out loud when the army platoon shows for the General. Obviously this isn’t hurt by Bing Crosby’s and Rosemary Clooney’s wonderful voices. But if you haven’t seen this one do yourself a favor and do so. This is a immortal.

7.) Scrooged. It’s hard for me to buy Bill Murray in the role of such a heel when I grew up with him as the Albeit sarcastic hero in Ghostbusters and Stripes. That’s said, if heart is what you’re looking for, This movie has it in abundance. A modern take on the classic Christmas Carol, it’s hard not to love watching Frank cross go from stealing cabs of old ladies to hijacking A live TV special to spread the love. This movie is also responsible for one of the most touching versions of “put a little love in your heart.”

8.) It’s a Wonderful Life. This movie takes the trope of Scrooge needing to learn to be kinder to his fellow man And turns it on its ear. Jimmy Stewart character is wonderful and helpful people running savings and loan in town to compete with an evil banker. The problem comes in when he wonders if his lifetime of kindness and charity are worthwhile as it seems to land him in a financial situation. On the brinkOf a suicidal episode, heavenly and angelic intervention shows him what his life would’ve been like had he never been born. What’s most touching about this movie is how people step up and repay his kindness and show how much they love the man for his constant help.

9.) The Nativity Story. This period look at the events leading up to the birth of Christ represents a likely look at what it was actually like. Casting: perfect. Period accurate dress, procedures for farming, tax collecting and even execution: perfect. Story: surprisingly perfect, considering the short Biblical verse dedicated to the details of these events. It is true to the story with minimal critical details embellished for the sake of film-making. That star too…this movie is all around wonderul

10.) The Entire Rankin Bass Christmas Catalogue. I know this is unfair but it’s really hard for me to choose the best one. From the year without a Santa Claus to even the Little Drummer Boy, these movies are example of high-level art in film-making. Memorable songs all sung by All-Stars Complement these wonderful movies. Also: they’re stop motion. That shit takes patience. These are not something to be missed yearly.

Well that’s it kids. Enjoy the delicious food. Love the people around you and get some sleep.

The Dangers of Decking the Halls…or how I almost accidently killed myself today…

OK…maybe not “killed,” Let’s say nearly poisoned myself by accident. Any of you who know me know that my property came with beautiful Holly bushes planted out in our front garden. We have several and every year I adorn them with our Christmas lights. Today I was doing just that When I nearly ingested some of these not friendly berries by accident…

Just set the scene for you: my hands are incredibly dry And have been doing a great deal of cracking from the dryness. Occasionly, a crack will bleed To varying degrees. Today while putting the lights in the Holly bushes, they did just that. One such bleeder was headed to my mouth because…well….that’s What you do when one of your fingers is bleeding. I only imagine it was millimeters away from my tongue before I realized that it was a crushed up hollyberry on my hand and not blood. Needless to say I saved myself a night of diarrhea, vomiting and drowsiness By not licking off the poisonous hollyberry. And that’s how he nearly committed Christmacide on myself. I would have really hated explaining that to my Former colleagues in the ER when I showed up with Holly-induced dysentery…

That’s all from me for now. Love those around you. I advise you not to lick the holly berries off your hands, but otherwise…Eat delicious foods. Get some sleep.

The Ambition of Practical Movie Effects

While watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory tonight, I found myself viewing it with a new appreciation. As I have talked about before, I am a big cinema buff and, though this movie is an absolute classic, I have never been particularly drawn to it. My wife, however, loves it. We watched it with our kids tonight as Freeform was showing it as pat of its Countdown to 25 days of Christmas.

Released in 1971, it stars one of my absolute favorite comedy actors: Gene Wilder. His first spouse, Gilda Radner, was a member of the original cast of SNL and Rosannarosannadanna always made me burst into laughter, as well as her parts in multiple other skits, including Land Shark (commence peeing your pants with that one…). Gene himself was distinguished staring in Mel Brooks comedies such as Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles among others. His simple dry humor and ability to switch from calm to screaming as well as deliver the payoff for a joke was uncanny.

And yet, Willy Wonka, for me, was only ever ok. Don’t get me wrong, Wilder shines in it and the eccentricity of his character fit the man well. The movie just never drew me. That said, in watching it very closely tonight, I found it to be incredibly ambitious for a movie of the era. It relied primarily on practical effects, which I love. Practical effects produced some of the greatest movies ever produced. Simple aim of light on Lugosi’s eyes made him a very haunting Dracula. Thousands of extras made the Ten Commandments and Cleopatra epic movie classics, not digital rendering of Hebrews and Egyptians.

The candy factory abounds with a feast for the eyes. Many practical effects are concentrated into each scene with attention paid to giving them the best look possible. Wonka’s machines, products and environment look like you could hop into the world, and lick the stupid edible wall paper.

Shortly after, my wife and kids went to bed but I stayed up to complete some homework. The movie on the TV was now Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles….the recent live action one. At the helm: Michael Bay…Satan of Special Effects. Don’t get me wrong, the turtles look great and have evolved the product. I looked a the turtles on the screen and remember the early 90s endeavor. I enjoyed it so much more with its Jim Henson Creature Shop Turtle  costumes.

It is in this way that cinema has de-evolved.  Movies today, whether it be horror, action, comedy, fantasy or really anything have become packed with CGI. I know this isn’t a unique observation, because many have made it. To me though, it not only led to poorer overall movies, but a less ambitious and lazy storytelling. Movies depend on digitally rendered eye candy. To me, it is unacceptable that Henry Cavil had to have a digital wipe of his mustache in Justice league, making the whole character of Superman look digital.

Movies star digital characters now. It makes the actors and the acting lazier and the storytelling so very bland. When armies clash in a movie, the detail is lost in digital renditions. Rather, when extras compose armies and you film them, individual independent movements make the battle look real and how it likely appeared when the actual battles happened. To me, monsters aren’t scarier because they are digitally enhanced. Rather, strong practical makeup makes for the greatest monsters. Karloff didn’t make a great Frankenstein because he had a digital mock-up. He was a large, imposing man, with simple make up and he made that character his own.

Can we please hit the reset button? I do not believe this progress for progress’s sake has actually moved movies in the right direction. Rather, we have done a 180 and gone in reverse. Don’t get me wrong: There are effects that simply cannot be accomplished by practical means. But as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory taught us, ambition can accomplish much. Application of our modern tech towards practical effects would make such wonders if only those in control of making movies would only have the ambition to apply them.

Alright, rant over. Enjoy the delicious foods. Love those around you. Watch a wonderful old movie with some practical effects and then GET SOME SLEEP.

A NEPA Christmas Gem

As the holiday season begins in earnest, I have decided to discuss what I believe is a hidden gem in northeast PA. A friend and fellow zombie nurse is a an active member of a parish locally. Early in December each year, they host a 3 night event called “No Room at the Inn.” Donations garnered from this event benefit the homeless of the area.

The premises quite simple: People bring various nativity sets to the church Hall where they are displayed for 2 nights. Visitors are invited to Observe the many variations of the miracle of Christmas. I find this event quite touching every time I am lucky enough to be off to visit it. While I’m not planning on turning this blog into A religious discussion, it is incredible to view. So many people bring various nativities ranging from heirlooms and foreign bought hand carved items too precious moments and Peanuts nativities.  

I enjoy this simple event because I believe it Exemplifies the best qualities that we possess as humans, among them generosity of the church and the patrons of the event and trust of the people donating their precious nativities for a brief display during this festive season. The church also sells Christmas cookies and various snack foods Which are quite enjoyable. In reviewing their Facebook page for this year they are expecting 800 individual nativity sets for the event. 

Listen folks, there’s not a lot of simple low cost events for such a good cause that will move you quite as deeply as No Room at the Inn. Do yourself a favor if you are in NEPA or otherwise: Make your way to the Forty fort  Presbyterian Church One night Between December 1st and 3rd. Listen to the gentle Christmas music playing while you look At nativities from the simple to the grand and do Some good for the homeless of our area. See Here for more information on the event.

Get some sleep!

Black Friday: May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor…

I hate Black Friday shopping. It is a defining discourse on the nature of my wife and I because she loves braving the cold and the angry masses who are willing to go all “Hunger Games” over the last Tickle-me Elmo. I think it represents the very worst aspects of what Christmas has become and, though I do personally spoil my children, I cant see the fun of it is. Thank God Katy does, because she scores some great deals and knocks off a great deal of our buying in the process.

I joke about Black Friday as the Hunger Games in action. The parallels are shocking however. We, the consumer, pursuant to commercialized goods, are willing to sacrifice of our sleep, time with our families, rest and even reason. We drive our credit cards up and stress over a fabricated delusion of seeking a perfect gift.

This, however, brings me to the point: as humans, we choose to show love in this way, which, at a glance, seems strange. With all evidence to the contrary however, I find some level of encouragement because we are willing to self-sacrifice for enjoyment of others. Positive intentions mean something, though sometimes it is difficult to see through the extraneous details.

The trick becomes trying to see a person’s attempts at a positive interaction, even if their action is, on the surface, quite the contrary. That is part of honing the best version of yourself, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post. You must try to train your brain to avoid jumping to conclusions and examine each interaction you undergo with greatest scrutiny. Motivation can be hard to discern, but must be given the utmost consideration.

Be careful with one another. Remember; Christmas has a genuinely wonderful spirit of the holiday that is far more important than that freaking Furby you are chasing. Eat some delicious food. Be kind to those around you. Get some sleep.

p.s.: May the odds be ever in your favor…

A Few Thoughts to Leave My Children With…

I missed you all. School and life got me busy. I saw a few of these recently. Not dying here…unless there is something I am unaware of. Following this years thanksgiving dinner, I have had a lot to be pensive about. Rather than venting or naming specific grievances, I have decided to list a few thoughts I hope I am imparting on my children as I strive to raise them. These are things I have learned as I go, often the hard way. Anyways here we go…

– when you disagree, oppose or fight anyone, be fierce–be the kind of opponent you wouldn’t want to fight.

-in matters of loyalty, be absolute–stand by and defend those you owe allegiance.

-in matters of love, be steady–remind them who you are and why they love you.

-when you wield influence be just–be the example of right and wrong and seek to move right forward.

-when speaking, be powerful– thunder your confidence out with adamance.

-when dealing with those who are difficult, exhibit wisdom and persistence- analyze and adhere to the path you choose, trusting in the clarity of you mind.

– in respect, be analytical in who earns your respect, avoiding rapidity in decisions.

-in matters of anger, strive for the goal of mercy and clarity of thought, in order that you should overcome you own shortcomings of temper.

-in matters of faith, exhibit a disposition of utmost gratitude.

-in matters of self-analysis, be gentle, forgiving and of a mind to improve and hone the best version of yourself.

Finally, regarding heroics–always choose to be the hero which will be the most telling aspect of your character.

Happy thanksgiving to one and all. Eat the delicious turkey. Love those around you. Get some sleep.

I swear, I’m still here…

Hola, nuchachos (Futurama fans only…). I wanted to drop a quick post. I started back for my BSN this week…painful though it is, it has kept me from posting anything of substance here lately. Then, inspiration struck! Here we go…

My big topic here is education, specifically encouraging anyone who can to pursue education to the highest level possible. I know what anyone who knows me personally will say: “but Zombienurse, you complain constantly about school.” Yep. I do that. Look school is a pain, but just like anything worthwhile, you have to push hard. I will continue to complain…cause it is difficult. 

Think about this though: our world is so messed up right now. I can name a million issues we have on every level of the government. Our environment is screwy, whether or not you believe in climate change or not. Facts are facts. I live in the north…wearing shorts in late October shouldn’t happen. Our kids have improper and insufficient education. Liberal leftists and social justice warriors have warped everything from basic gender to intention behind any comment. The far right is no better, construing messages of the Bible into a political platform.

How do you combat corruption? How do you heal the environment? Or fix education? Or figure out the right and left? The first step is to know everything you can. Make yourself educated. Learn. Read. Get multiple viewpoints. Read blogs, even if it isn’t mine. Listen to podcasts. Above all, realize you never know enough. Learn all life long.

Alrighty…get some sleep, for today is Halloween! 

Of Advance Directives…

Recently, I have begun the bleak and sad task of getting my wishes, and those of my wife, in writing, including our Last Will and Testament and our Power of Attorney/Advance Directive information. This task is deeply personal and, though I have an urgent feeling to get it done, I do not take it lightly.

Allow me to step on my soap box for a minute…

As a Zombie Nurse, I cannot overstate the importance of this measure, even if you are young and otherwise healthy. One need only look at the sad case of Terri Schiavo, to see what a legal battle over a person’s right to die can look like. It’s ugly…make your wishes known! As healthcare providers, without these written directives, we default to saving your lives. No matter what. Regardless of hope. We are bound to save you. That means a big guy like me potentially pounding on your chest for CPR, breaking your ribs and causing UNTOLD pain.  That can mean breathing tubes, feeding tubes, peeing tubes, and all the other unpleasant things that can sustain a dying person while making them more machine than human…

If that is what you want, go for it. We can keep you alive with a relative indefinite time frame. But if that shit doesn’t appeal to you, make sure and get that wish expressed in a legal document so there is no doubt, should it come up. Look, I am not saying that in some distant future we won’t be able to fix people who were considered long beyond hope. That is DECADES away at best.

As I said, this is a bleak and sad task, BUT the importance of it cannot be overstated. The trick is to power through the unpleasantness and get it done. There is an ABUNDANCE of information available and any attorney who does elder planning can probably give you insights but it is worth a GOOGLE if you have any questions. Your primary care provider can also offer insights into this. As with anything, information is power. Inform yourselves. Ask questions in abundance. Discuss it with your spouse and, if applicable, adult children. My point is, plan what you want done if you have a health crisis.

Alright. Rant over. Get your wishes in writing people! Eat the delicious foods. Love (and talk to) those around you and get some sleep.

Halloween is Coming

We are now officially less than a week out from my favorite Holiday and, though I have committed an entire blog to Classic Horror Movies, I have decided to speak about Halloween itself.

Look, you can read anywhere about the history of the holiday. As best I understand it, Halloween as we know it today is a blending of traditions from multiple places. Earliest Pagan traditions from the Celts (pronounced Ke-lts) celebrated the dawning new year in late October. The “death” of the old year and “birth” of the  new year was the time when the veil between the living and the dead was thinnest, and the ghosts of the dear departed were close by and accessible.

As paganism was conquered by the Roman Empire, the traditions blended with a harvest festival to worship the goddess Pomona. Her symbols included the falling leaves, apples and nuts that are popular in fall. Throughout the centuries, traditions connected with Halloween blossomed, including trick-or-treating which sprung from the tradition of leaving snacks and cakes out for the wandering ghosts of the departed, allowed into the world of the living by the thin veil between worlds on Halloween Night.

Once Catholicism took over, a period of persecution of paganism began for a period. Some of this misguided anti-paganism Halloween Sentiment is still visible today, with people who swear that the holiday is Demonic. Nothing can be further from the truth! Pagans worshiped nature and symbolized the changing of natural seasons by deities unrelated to the Christian Devil or God.

As acceptance of the Holiday began into the modern era. The availability of American Pumpkins replaced mangel wruzels and turnips for Jack-o-Lanterns. Church attempts to create Holy Days on November 1st and 2nd, created the name we know and love today (Halloween or All Hallows (souls) Eve, Hallow’en). The holiday was accepted by children, who loved the mysticism of the night and jovial dress-up involved in its celebration.

This is one of the reasons I love Halloween: It has survived and adapted from truly ancient roots to the modern era. I feel the connection to those who died long before me when I put up my display and choose my costume. There is plenty to be scared of on Halloween but the devil isn’t among them. The holiday endures to remind us of our mortality and bring our connection with those we have lost to the forefront.

For me, the time of the year is a time of great beauty. The trees ablaze in orange, red and yellow sets a mood and smell that you do not get at any other time of the year. I love the old decorations of Halloween, especially the vintages from the 30s-50s which are both creepy and beautiful at the same time. Their macabre style hearkens  back to times long before when carvings on the  tombstones of plague victims and on TB colonies were meant to trigger fear and foreboding and yet, today they are celebratory adornments often sought after and maintained as treasures.

Watching Halloween movies has always combined two of my greatest passions in life. There may be none better than the original John Carpenter’s Halloween, which I encourage anyone to watch if you get the chance. Certainly I stand by the original Universal Monsters, and who doesn’t love Hocus Pocus? The original Night of the Living Dead also cannot be over-complimented. Creep yourself out, if you can.

I love this holiday immensely. I will encourage my children, nephews and nieces to celebrate Halloween long after I am gone. I will engage anyone who foolishly and ill-informed-ly speaks ill of the holiday, particularly those who condemn it as satanic or rooted in the occult. I will let my children dress up as WHATEVER they please, and will not tolerate anyone shouting “cultural appropriation” or “that’s offensive.” It’s Halloween. Above all, I will maximize my time spent enjoying the Holiday with my beloved wife, children and family, attending the various fall and Halloween Activities around my local communities and elsewhere.

Though I shall speak to you again soon, have a Happy Halloween. Immerse yourself into this wonderful holiday. Eat the delicious pumpkin-spiced EVERYTHING. Love those around you. Scare the shit out of them if you can. Get some sleep….and “unpleasant dreams…” -Elvira